Pick SEO Supportive Website Theme – Tips to Choose Best SEO Friendly Themes for Websites and Blogs

What is your Content Publishing Platform

From the search engine results, online visitors are landing to your website pages and spend their time to get what they searching. Search Engine Optimisation for websites is depends on what is your website theme / template and how your website theme is providing search engine friendly design and user experience with website navigation and content information architecture. 

Many website designers and web developers are using the various programming coding languages such as HTML, CSS, basic java, jQuery, ASPX, and DotNetNuke, PHP etc. to build an SEO friendly website. These website coding languages are helping in designing user impressive web page design and website optimization, search engine crawling.

Boost Your SERP Ranking with SEO Supportive Website Themes

Search engine ranking positions are changing with latest SEO best practices and online competition. Every search enhine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu etc. are preferring user friendly websites those successfully tested with search engine algorithms and content algorithms. User experience is dominating the current era of organic search engine optimization.

To choose an SEO friendly website theme, consider the given criteria to select the seach engine optimisation supportive website thems / templates. SEO supportive website themes are enhances online visibility of your website or business blogger site.

How to Improve SERP Ranking with SEO Friendly Website Themes

Content is playing a major role in search engine optimisation and visitor engagement. The content presentation for visitors within few clicks from homepage is creating the good user experience in addition to user friendly website and webpage layout design. If your website theme with coding error free design and with proper information architecture then there is a huge scope to improve your search engine results (SERP) ranks.

Criteria to Choose Best SEO Supportive Website Themes

  1. Design
  2. User Experience
  3. Page loading speed
  4. Webpage file size
  5. Coding
  6. Responsiveness
  7. SEO supportive
  8. Website security

Optimize your Website CMS for SEO

Popular content algorithm Google Panda is downgrading the website with poor webpage design and layout that resulting poor visitor engagement and website crawling issues. Google Panda algorithm updates are testing the each website and filtering the site and blogs with poor website design and page layout. Google Panda algorithm is examining all websites against on-page seo ranking factors. On-page seo factors playing key role in SERP ranking and website optimisation.

Tips in Picking an SEO-Friendly Website Themes

Good Design Structure – If a website theme is poorly designed with improper coding that will impact the website seo optimisation and user navigation etc. The website security issue will generate. The poor coding will attracts the intruder attacks by website hackers and destroy of the webpage information on your site. So before launching test your website design issues to fix immediately. Use popular web coding languages to design your website theme with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript’s and PHP etc. programming codes.

User Experience – Proper page layout and placement of on-page seo and design elements are playing key role in user friendly website development and seo optimisation. If you are ignoring the value of good user experience, surely you will lose a lot of organic visitors and visitor engagement. The user experience and visitor engagement are deciding the performance of your website along with on-page seo and off-page seo ranking factors.

Page Loading Speed – A lot of website themes coding with all latest programming languages such as HTML 5, CSS3, JavaScripts etc. to improve the user appearance with attractive website theme and user navigation. The major issue that resulting is webpage slow loading speed. Examine the all possible factors and design elements before buying the website theme.

Webpage File Size – Webpage file size is one of the silent on-page seo ranking factor is ignored by many website designers and developers, webmasters. There is limit for webpage file size for each website with content or pictures, videos etc. The webpage file size for content websites is 32 KB. Check the code to text ratio, image file sizes, video file sizes etc. and resize them in order to load quickly.

Coding – The coding language such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery etc. are creates the poor optimisation while developing website pages and user navigation functionality. Focus on browser compatibility. Check your website in order to identify the existing coding issues to fix to solve the various on-page factors and to provide the website security from non ethical hackers and intrusion attacks.

Responsive Website Theme – Responsive design is become one of important ranking factor for mobile website versions and for many small medium business websites. Responsive design is currently playing a huge role in increasing website traffic. Responsive website theme is load better to offering good usability in all kinds of user browsers with all page elements depending on user devices such as desktop, mobile, laptop and smartphones, tablet etc.

SEO Supportive – Website usability is a main factor affecting visitors on your site. The website design and functionality are playing the major role in site usability and on-page seo optimisation. Optimise your website with important on-page elements such as URL structure, page titles and descriptions, header tags, internal linking, Alt Text, keyword optimisation, user content and information architecture, etc. properly to improve your website search engine optimisation to increase the website ROI with SEO Job roles and efforts.

Website security – Every website design development programming languages are tend to various hacking attacks and other site security issues. Hire the security coding expert or security code developer to test the website security and fixing the code level issues and to protect your website from unauthorised attacks. Don’t install the unknown seo plugin to improve the website seo performance. Validate your website codes such as HTML and CSS etc. web developing languages periodically.

Increase SEO ROI with Responsive Web Design

Responsive Design give you several benefits in terms of organic seo, user experience, money saving, etc. Find here the benefits of responsive web design for your website or blog.

  1. Saves Money
  2. Saves Time
  3. Higher Conversion Rate
  4. User friendly
  5. Less Maintenance
  6. Less Chance of Errors
  7. Device friendly
  8. Browser friendly
  9. SEO Supportive
  10. Search engine friendly

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