Niche Blogging – Adsense Optimization Tips

Niche blogging is a best effective way for content writers, website holders and seo analysts to make money (passive income) from online with less writing efforts.
How to make money from Google Adsense with blogging skills?
Regular blogging skills are helps you in earning passive income with blog writing and content creation. Adsense money making process has 5 simple steps applicable for every bloggers and website holders.
Here are those 5 steps. They are,
  • Identifying a profit making niche topic
  • Finding efficient keywords those generate money
  • Writing unique quality web content with keywords
  • Ensuring the having planned on page SEO optimization
  • Begin traffic generation with off page SEO and social media
Remember every topic is not similar in money making. There are no boundaries in generating passive income. But adsense earning is specific to each niche. Creating a blog is not enough to make money from online.

Many people think that creating and content addition is enough to make desired amount of money. Here many of bloggers gets fail. One of the simple reason in failing is they will not pick the right topic that generate money.
Right topic selection is one of the success key for nowadays blogging. Your content makes profits on online
Simple ways to find best niche topics for your blog:
What is a “niche”?
A niche is a sub-division of existing industry. For example, “writing”. “Writing” is with a subset of online content making market. Many website and blog owners every day spending a lot of money on paying for PLR Private Label Rights articles, postings, content writers, copywriters etc…
If you want to create a blog about writing, you’d have less scope to make money with such wider blogging topics. And you need to face huge web competition.
The writing market has a thousands of sub niches, such as online writing training, blog writing skills, writing softwares, writer tools,  books, and so on. These blogging topics are too broad to consist of a real specific niche. Here you need to segregate these wider niches into sub niches to blog on regular basis.
For example, the web content writing training area is again divided into many smaller online niches units. These are most specific and are best niches make money online with content writing job and beginner seo analyst skills. These sub topics are online copywriting training, technical writing training, Social media writing classes, Web content writing workshops, and medical writer training in New york city etc…
How to find best profitable niches?
Here is a checklist of what kind of topics generates more online money with Google Adsense revenue program. The following checklist is with criteria before choosing and finalizing best adsense money making topics.
To finalize a profitable Adsense niche in order to create online revenue, consider following factors.
  1. Niche with high CPC (cost per click) keywords
  2. Should with low web competition
  3. Niche should with many advertisers
  4. Should with organic searches in Google
So, you can understand that some niche topics are makes money with less efforts like medical, insurance, banking, education, social media, health etc…are have a high CPC topic wise as well keyword wise. Generally not only these topics, many blogs and websites are need effective adsense optimization. 
If you don’t find your theme or topics CPC; then start a website that you have well versed knowledge or an interest topic in the any industry you are working. But make sure that industry should have with a lot of advertisers.

Adsense Optimization Tips

Google AdSense is an online program that allows all bloggers and website owners to publish various sizes of web advertisement on blogs and websites. Adsense account approval checklist is helpful to get approve your Google adsense application to become a publisher to display relevant Google AdWords advertisements on your blog or website pages depending upon your content.

Google checks your content to provide online ads relevant to your site content. Most of these ads are what web visitors are looking on online, By Google, they will find the most relevant and interested ads on your site. 

The interested visitors can click on these advertisement displayed from your site. Then you will make good amount of money through these visitor’s clicks. Your earnings are depends upon how many visitors are you have. Your traffic number is playing a crucial role in online earning.

Your theme or content and ads placement on your site pages etc. are have major role in monetization.

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