Learning seo is a continue education as search engine optimization industry is evolving constantly to provide good user experience with quality and relevant search results those offering visitor engagement with website content and other online sources.
In addition to search quality, the user search intent is constantly evolving with informative, navigational, commercial search behaviour in orer to to get the needed results from the search engine indexed database system. The online behaviour of customer day by day is changing and leading the production of new set of search engine algorithms on regular basis.
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Engage your customers and online audiences |
Read this website seo guide blogger article on what are the best and new seo activities to promote website and to earn online user trust.
Periodical keyword research activity is gives you better understanding of your target customers and their online needs, tracking the search behavior. Use your Web master tools, Analytics keywords in optimizing the web pages with user search intent content.
How to understand yours user search behaviour?
Keywords are best way to understand the user purchase behaviour, online search intent.
Keywords are the best indicators of customer buying psychology
Keywords are efficient tools for SEO return on investment (ROI)
Identify the efficient keywords for your website
Here are some tips to find out efficient and visitor search based keyword phrases for your website.
- Optimize the high competitive keywords on your website homepage. (for example, California hotel)
- Main purpose – bringing organic search traffic, branding, competing online
- Optimize the medium competitive key phrases on services / products / vertical pages (for example, best family restaurant in California, best hotel deals in Toronto, pet hotel in NewYork)
- Main purpose – bringing web traffic, online branding, business leads, sales,
- Optimize the low competitive key phrases on landing pages (for example, Wi-fi enabled family restaurant, Secured hotel restaurant in California, Honeymoon hotel with Swimming pool in NewYork)
- Main purpose – brining more targeted search traffic, quick online branding, immediate revenue generation, customer conversion online, immediate web enquiries.
Content marketing is new seo activity in 2015 year. All major search engines are encouraging the content writers, online writers about this web content marketing, a latest seo strategy. The content marketing is helps you in reaching focused customer base, and to drive online purchases on short term basis and long term basis.
What is content marketing?
Content marketing is production and distribution of informative or transactionable content. The online content is developed to reach the targeted customers through various kinds of content marketing activities.
Content marketing activities
- Pressrelease – Developing the online content that motivates the users to take a action like purchase etc.
- Infographics – these are graphics with realtime statistics, charts, graphs, and other information
- Podcast – online audio on user search topics and user educational topics
- Video marketing – Production of user centric videos on video blogging sites like YouTube, marketing online through video marketing sites
- eBooks distribution – Preparing the ebooks on user required theme or topics and allowing free sharing or nominal premium prices.
- Content writer – to provide effective online content writing
- Copywriter – to provide effective web copy writing to make visitors more purchases online
- SEO analyst – to promote your website on online with efficient online marketing campaign strategy
- Link builder – to acquire quality backlinks from relevant high authority site in the focused niche
- SEO manager – to create and develop efficient internet marketing strategy to reach the large number of customers base with less efforts to gain maximum SEO ROI results on longterm basis
- Social media campaign manager – to promote website on social media site to reach targeted customers globally and locally
- Web analytics tools – to track and measure the performance of online marketing campaigns, and website performance in the search engines
- Efficient tools – to track and analyze the site performances over the web sources, to promote the site across the various online sources.
What is user engagement for a website?
User engagement is the indicator of user experience on website. The quality user engagement is improves the positive aspects of the customer interaction. Online readers, audiences, website visitors should stay long time on your website. The common web user engagement measurement factors such as unique visits, CTR click-through rates, number of pages visited, and time spent on the web page, number of goals produced etc.
How to engage the online readers and website visitors, content audiences?
Get tips on how to engage your website followers and creating brand online with very less efforts those works long-term basis. Search engines are measuring the online user engagement with quality web content.
How to get user engagement?
Website optimization with proper on-page optimization, website promotion, call to action terms, positioning the leads buttons in effective locations, choosing the efficient keywords for each web page, curating the effective web copy, social media engagement, clear site navigation menus etc. are playing the major role in user engagement.
Here is a simple tips to provide online user engagement with effective seo writing strategy.
- Add product named keywords
- Add service named keywords
- Add problem solving keywords
- Add solution based keywords
- Add gender specific keywords
- Add regional / culture / age / season based keywords
- Add technical / legal / special / trend based terms
Decide yourself, you want to stand with ethical seo services or you want diminish online with unethical search engine optimization practices. Always focus on write Algorithms friendly high quality online content and efficient seo optimization and web marketing strategy to ensure your website survival long-term basis.
Be more Social online
Social communication is current online trend in this 2015. Online branding and website promotion is supported by various social activities as a part of these social media optimization and social media marketing strategy. Online citations, social mentions such as facebook likes, twitter tweets, pinterest pins, social bookmarking, user reviews, ratings for offering products, services etc. are playing a key role in online reputation and brand promotion for your company. Recruit fresher or expert social media writers to create a unique and effective social share worthy content to promote your company offering and social profiles.
Social content writing tips
Social media writing is different from regular online content writing. Curating the online social content is somewhat tougher task. Social media content writers works for improving personalised interactions, developing the online trust, producing the worthy, sharable, unique, quality content to reach the customer base in order to acquire fruitful social media engagement results like, fan base reach out, customer communication, business leads, sales generation and online revenue generation, web branding etc.
2015 SEO is evolving not dead in 2014
SEO optimization and website marketing practices are exists on online in future days too. SEO is not dead or dying. Just it is evolving towards quality. On-page optimization, quality link building services are needed to any website to get promoted on online. Old seo practices such as single keyword optimization, bulk backlinks production, blog commenting irrespective of niche or theme etc. are outdated by current days search engine optimization practices like usage of synonyms in web content, diversified internal links, algorithm friendly content writing, web page authority, landing page optimization, and technical seo factors optimization, usage of primary keyword to rank and online leads, usage of secondary keyword to get web traffic etc.