How to Start a Blog and Update Content to Make Money with Blogging – Best SEO Tips to Adsense Optimization | Marketing Blog


Here is a Marketing blog’s interesting posting of Best SEO Tips on How to Start a Blog and Update Content to make Money with Blogging, quick monetization.                                              

  1. Go or or any other (free / paid) blogger platforms
  2. Register and login with email and password to own a blog 
  3. Name the blog with a selected keyword (but it is not important)
  4. Plan up to 2 -3 keywords which suitable to planned niche topics for blogging
  5. If you are a regular blogging from home:
  6. Update the blog with 5 – 10 articles / postings per a day
  7. 35 – 55 postings with trendy topics per a week
  8. If you are planning freelance blogging from your free hours:
  9. Update the blog with 2 – 5 posting on selected niche topics per a day
  10. 15 – 25 postings with trendy topics per a week
  11. Place your keywords in title of blog post, first paragraph and in other important places
  12. Prepare Google Adsence account approval checklist and Opage optimization before applying
  13. After optimizing and meeting the adsense approval requirement, then apply Google AdSense or alternate
  14. Get backlinks more and more through 3 to 5 articles per a week
  15. Plan another revenue source (Ad sources) to improve income through blogging
  16. Learn online basics and fundamentals of SEO and take your blog or website to next level at online through various internet marketing promotional activities and methods
  17. Write SEO based blog content to attract visitors and online readers
  18. Improve Direct traffic (organic traffic) and Referral traffic to website or blog to improve your site web traffic audience or visitors and to improve rankings.
  19. Take every opportunity to promote your blog or website at online
  20. Be social to publicize your blog or website posting to (Online Blogging articles) make Money to earn online from home on regular or freelance / part time work basis.
  21. Read more adsense optimization tips on online do experiment on monetizing your blog or website with best effective practices to improve your online earnings.

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