How to Report SEO Optimization Marketing Activities

How to Report Your Website SEO Strategy with SEO Optimization Marketing Activities

Reporting the latest seo marketing plan with update website optimization strategy is a typical excercise to all senior seo managers and key performer seo analysts. Read this website seo education guide article on how to present your seo strategy reports effectively.

Organize all Latest and Regular SEO Activities

Check – Examine your previous quarter or year marketing plan thoroughly. Find the continuous activities of website optimization and seo activities in addition to website promotion strategy.

Propose – Research for all latest seo optimization activities. Research for all latest website promotion activities. Then prepare a report either in word document or excel sheet etc. Include all proposed activities along with snapshots etc. In your reports, should contain all recommending seo project activities.

Tip – Collect and make a notes on supporting point in order to explain about your client or in-house SEO Optimization Marketing Plan. Explain to your senior management about the benefits of each proposed activity. Include all needed support or dependency like human resources, softwares such as keyword rank tracking tools, website audit tools, customer tracking tools, etc.

Pro Tip – Your SEO Optimization and Website Marketing report should solve the existing and rising seo solutions for your company website or client websites.

Answer Appropriately for Website SEO Questions

Your senior management is not much technical savvy like you at general circumstances. So it is better to prepare yourself before attending the SEO Optimization Marketing meeting on how to seo in coming days and years.

Check – Thoroughly check all your final reports are they answering well or not? Is the activity will advantageous or not? also what are the dependable or acceptable cost cutting methods etc.

Propose – Focus on how these proposed website optimization and seo promotion activities are advantageous in the current situation. Report according to your management requirement. Go with impressive design, layout, project time-line, presenting content, language grammar, free from spell errors etc.

Tip – Include all cost cutting and budget saving seo methods and website optimization activities. Include both short term seo activities for website and achievable website goals based seo activities.

Pro Tip – Before preparing the seo reports and attending the online marketing meeting with in-house senior management or clients, Check webmaster account and analytics tool to find the all supporting points to strengthen your seo proposal reporting documents. This supporting points can support you in report explanation process. Ask open ended seo questions to your seniors and listen answers carefully. Present how much effort you are putting and how you are evolving as key performer for Website SEO Optimization in your company’s in-house Online Marketing team. Ask the feedback and approval for this new SEO Optimization Marketing plan for website optimization and website online promotion strategy.

Typical SEO Optimization Marketing Activities Planning and Presentation

Activities Proposed
Advantages of Activity
Website Audit
1 to 5 days
Short term
To determine the development opportunities and to survive over online competition
Keyword Research 
1 to 10 days
Short term
To determine the leads generating or revenue making keyword phrases
On-Page SEO
1 to 10 days
Short term
To make the web pages relevance according to the user search intent with  keyword phrases and web content
Landing page optimization
1 to 10 days
Short term
To optimize the web pages for good user experiences and to direct them into the simple lead flow process
Link Building 
1 to 365 days
Long term
To build the quality and penguin proof search engine algorithm friendly inbound links or backlinks
Social Media Profile Submission
1 to 10 days
Short term
To reach the targeted customer base and to get online leads for business or services in addition to the brand promotion
Local SEO
1 to 365 days
Short term & Long term
To reach the targeted local customer base and to get online leads for business or services offering
Mobile SEO
1 to 365 days
Short term & Long term
To reach the targeted customer base with Optimizing the mobile site pages for good user experiences
Content Marketing
1 to 365 days
Long term
To build the quality and penguin proof search engine algorithm friendly inbound links or backlinks and referral web traffic generation along with online brand distribution
User Experience
1 to 365 days
Short term & Long term
To enhance the website performance and visitor engagement on website pages
Social Media Promotion
1 to 365 days
Short term & Long term
To reach the targeted customer base with backlinks and referral web traffic generation along with online brand distribution
SEM Proposal  
1 to 365 days
Short term & Long term
To reach the targeted customers immediately after launching new websites or to improve the website visibility to achieve predefined website goals such as leads, business promotion and online branding.

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