Do Keyword Research Find Unique Keyword Phrases for your Website to Generate Leads Online – Best SEO Keywords Research Tips


Read here some useful tips from Advanced Online Marketing Guide on how to do Keyword Research to find out best and unique keywords for your website content to generate leads online. These best tips help to create organic keywords based search resulted SEO content.

You can learn few best SEO content writing tips to create keyword rich user intent based content for natural organic ranking for website.

How to do Keyword research to write website page content SEO based?
How SEO content writers can create webpage content for websites with keywords?

First begin with basic keyword research to select the relevant keyphrases for your inner pages like “products” or “services” or “about us”…etc…pages.

This keyword research is to identify the most relevant and efficient Root words for each page.

How to select best rootwords for a website

Find here the required criteria for selecting relevant root words.

Root words should have following criteria, for choosing:
  1. Should be generic in nature
  2. Should be match variant or keyword variant
  3. Should be meaningful
  4. Should have high search volume
  5. Should relevant to landing page
  6. Should match with user search term
  7. Should meet user requirements
Example for rootwords in hotel and restaurant industry:

Ex: Hotel in London
       Restaurant in London

After research, collect all these root words in an Excel sheet and filter and remove duplicates.

After removing duplicate keywords, we have to sort all remaining keywords from large to small search volumes in the excel sheet.

After sorting the all keywords from large search volume to small volumes, select high search volume keywords that are meeting desired criteria. Because these are the main words to make our webpages most relevant to user searches with user friendly content writing.

This is like our skeleton bones and muscle…our human body does not exist without the bones and muscles. Like this without these main words, the page content may not be relevant to user intent.

At this level the chosen root keywords will be look like generic only.

Ex: Hotel in London
       Restaurant in London

Add selective support words to these root words to make long tailed and user search based. After adding the supporting phrases, again we have to find the search volume to find relevant keywords to target our webpages.

Next stage is finding supporting phrases that are relevant to our target keywords to write website page content.

These supportable phrases should relevant to our target keywords.

These supportable phrases should be very generic word in nature.

Ex: supporting words for hotel and restaurant industry:
  • affordable,
  • budget
  • last minute
  • family
  • honeymoon
  • tourist
  • accommodation
  • modern amenities
  • cheap
  • south london
  • north london
After adding these support words to rootwords they will look likes below.

budget hotel in london
last minute hotel in london
family hotel in london
honeymoon hotel in london
accommodation hotel with modern amenities in london
affordable south london hotels
hotel for foreigners in london
pet animal hotel in london

affordable restaurant in London city
family restaurant in London city
honeymoon restaurant in London city
cheap restaurant in London city
pet animal restaurant in London
Wi-Fi enabled restaurant in London city

At this level the prepared keywords will be look like Generic and long tailed phrases.

Add this keyphrases list to another excel sheet and find the search volumes to most relevant terms.

Again sort out to filter out the less search volume ones.

This is now looking like …our appearance in suitable latest new fashion dress.

Keyword Mapping

Get here what is keyword mapping and how to use of this keyphrase mapping for webpages.

Keyword mapping is categorizing the targeted key phrases for each targeted webpages.

We have collect these prepared key terms list in excel file and have to categorize them to page wise. Though it is somewhat difficult job, we have to do to make the every webpage as most relevant landing for customers and users search terms. 

Identify the primary keywords from the list. Select the secondary keywords as well from the list. Now 99% work is completed.

Now your role is optimization with primary keywords on the suitable places and with helpful words on suitable locations on the website as well inner pages.

These words brings organic website ranking with search engine optimization and helps in meeting your business goals and objectives for your products and services.

After determining the primary keywords and secondary words, you have two options in your SEO strategy.

They are, 1) web content writing 2) optimizing with finalised key phrases

This key phrase mapping helps in writing the content and content optimization with selected keyword phrases to generate online leads for your products or services. 

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